Expert for digital transformation and innovation management

Digital transformation brings about change in all areas of life. It leads to disruptions in markets, technologies, supply chains, business porcesses and business models. The potentials of those changes and the impacts on all of us of have been the focus of my work as business consultant for over two decades.

Entrepreneurship, innovation and change management are my passion, profession and calling at the same time. Working in business consultancy and hence supporting clients and partners constructively in shaping the digital change and the roadmap towards the future actively fills me with a great sense of satisfaction.

My current challenge

Digital leadership & digital transformation

Digital innovation holds potentials in all areas of life and business. Focusing on risks instead of chances, outdated processes and a non-digital mindset pose obstacles for successful business models.

I yield my know-how into practice as a consultant. I keep chances and risks holistically in mind but put my dedicated focus on the potentials of digitalization. 

The impact of digitalization on companies, business models and on our society as a whole has been the focus of my work since my graduation. As a pioneer in my field, I have worked in various positions as change manager, angel investor and entrepreneur ever since. A dedicated entrepreneurial spirit, excellence in performance, digital leadership and a positive attitude towards life shape my personality and my life.

Still, I enjoy spending my leisure time offline surrounded by nature.

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